the beaufort

Restaurant, Beer and Wine Garden Mt Lawley WA.
Alterations + Additions to an existing warehouse building.
Phase/status ~ Completed 2022
Build ~ Builden
Photos ~ David Deves + Aimee Jones
The design brief for the project required a highly activated and connected edge to Beaufort street, that would establish clear visual connections into the building from street.

The complex includes 3 separate, and yet connected hospitality venues, each with a distinct character and experience that is linked by a densely planted inner courtyard.

The project sought to retain as much of the existing building fabric as possible, drawing inspiration from the ad-hoc and disjointed nature of the interior spaces.

This language was intentionally translated to the street edge, revealing the vertical connections between spaces as a means of actively engaging people with the vibrant, and bustling cafe strip of Beaufort street.